In this article a brief introduction is given on how to implement a Numerical Wave Tank (NWT) in OpenFOAM to simulate regular water waves. NWTs are used to simulate regular and irregular waves to study water free surface dynamics, sediment transport, fluid-structure interaction due to wave loads and more.
In this case, a regular linear airy wave is simulated in the created NWT. The NWT’s dimension are (L = 10, W = 1.2 and H=0.6) m. The simulated wave height is 2 cm and the wave length is 3 m.
For ease of use, this numerical simulation is implemented via the blueCFD software (a Windows version of OpenFOAM). This software can be downloaded and installed as an executable file from After installation is completed, the user can use the blueCFD core terminal to execute OpenFOAM commands.
OpenFOAM is a Finite Volume based open source code that includes several solvers dedicated to solve various fluid flow problems. The choice between these solvers depends on the user application of interest.
For this NWT application we will use the interFOAM solver (Damian (2012)) that is able to solve for multiphase flows
using the Volume Of Fluid technique for fluid-fluid interface capturing. The solver is incompressible and isothermal.
interFoam solves for the coupled PDE’s, continuity equation 1, Navier-Stoke’s equations 2 and the phase fraction equation
4). Where is the flow velocity.
are the thermodynamic pressure and mixture density (5).
is the viscous
stress tensor that is a function of the effective dynamic viscosity and the general rate of strain tensor
body forces, including the gravitational force and the surface tension. The solver uses the PIMPLE algorithm for
velocity-pressure coupling (Holzmann (2016)).
![]() | (1) |
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OpenFOAM simulation cases should have a certain folder/file structure.
Figure 1 shows the folder/file structure for the NWT case. folder (0) contains the files that represents the boundary and initial conditions for the velocity field, pressure field and the phase fraction field. Folder (system) contains the files that control the numerical schemes such as fvSchemes and fvSolution. It also includes the controlDict file where the user can indicate the solver of interest such as (interFoam) and the simulation time in addition to other control parameters. The system folder includes the blockMeshDict file that is used to generate the numerical grid for the simulation case.
The constant folder includes additional information for the solver, not related to boundary condition or numerical schemes. The files in the constant folder can include a g file that determines the direction of the gravitational force, (transportProperties) includes the material properties such as viscosity and density of the fluid and file waveProperties contains the simulated wave properties such as wave amplitude and wave length. Figure 2 shows the the blueCFD terminal on the root folder location and the sub folders/files. (The blueCFD terminal can be opened on the root folder location by right-clicking on the root folder and choose ”Open with blueCFD core terminal”).Note: The folder structure for the example presented in this article is attached as
To generate a simple computational domain for the NWT with cuboid shape, the blockMesh utility is used. With blockMesh, the user can assign Cartesian coordinates for all 8 vertices in the cuboid shape as well as defining certain boundary names and types for faces constructed from these vertices. The numbering system for the blockMesh utility is shown in figure 3.
Code 1 shows the blockMesh utility dictionary file structure. First, the min/max dimension variables for the NWT are
listed, then the vertices Cartesian coordinates are defined based on the numbering system in figure 3. Then
the cuboid shape is constructed by the hex object with the numbered vertices followed by the number of
elements in
directions, here we used 45,15 and 45 elements in
The boundary object defines the name, type and location of each boundary on the computational domain outer surface. In this case we define five boundaries for the NWT (Inlet, Outlet, sides, bottom and top). Each boundary is constructed by four vertices as shown in in figure 3.
Typing blockMesh in the blueCFD terminal makes OpenFOAM generate the computational domain (the higher number of elements the longer time it takes to construct the grid).
Now, the user is ready to type paraFoam in the terminal to show the grid in the ParaView post processing software as shown in figure 4
In this section we define the initial and boundary conditions IC/BC for the interFoam solver when solving the set of
equations (1, 2 and 4). The IC/BC are defined for the velocity field u in the U file, pressure field p in the p_rgh file and
the phase fraction field in the alpha.water file.
In addition, we need to define two more files , waveProperties where the incident wave parameters are defined and
setFields where the IC for the water/air phase fraction are defined. This will essentially fill the tank with water and
define the mean water level.
The velocity BCs are shown in code 2. For the Inlet boundary, the type is wave velocity which will be defined in code 5. noSlip BC is applied to the tank side, bottom and outlet walls.
A pressureInletOutletVelocity BC is applied to the top wall, this BC is usually used for boundaries that are open to the atmosphere and where inflow or outflow may take place. When inflow occurs the velocity is calculated by interpolating the neighbouring cells, for outflow, the pressure gradient is set to zero at that boundary.
The attached test case folder contains the BC called, it is customary to keep the original folder untouched and to make a copy of it calling it 0 where the phase fraction BC is set.
More information about the different OpenFOAM boundary conditions can be found in (Greenshields (2018))
Code 3 shows the pressure field BC, for all boundaries zero gradient is enforced except for the top boundary where a total pressure BC is applied that represents atmospheric datum pressure.
Code 4 shows the alpha.water BC file for the phase fraction . For the outlet, sides and bottom
boundaries a zeroGradient BC is used. For the inlet boundary, waveAlpha BC is used that is linked to the
waveProperties file discussed later in code 5. inletOutlet BC is applied for the top boundary, this is a mixed
boundary condition which applies zeroGradient for outflow condition and user specified value for inflow
In code 5 the wave properties are defined by the wave amplitude, length and the water current speed UMean. In addition, the user can define the wave direction (angle). The wave origin and direction are specified with respect to the computational domain coordinate system generated by the blockMesh utility. Here we are simulating an (Airy) wave that obeys linear wave theory. Other higher order nonlinear wave models are also included in the OpenFOAM wave library such as Stoke’s waves.
At the end of the waveProperties file, scale object is defined to linearly damp the generated waves in the range 7-9 m of the tank length in the wave propagation direction.
Code 6 shows the IC for the phase fraction α in the computational domain. First, the whole domain α has value of zero that represents air. Then using the boxToCell object, all cells in the in the box dimension of interest can be assigned new value of α = 1 that represent water. The zmax value in the box object is set to zero which puts the undisturbed mean water free surface level at zero on the z axis.
The user can run the setFields command in the blueCFD terminal by typing setFields. To view the α field run paraFoam in blueCFD terminal to open ParaView as shown in figure 5.
The user can control the major parameters of the case using the controlDict. These parameters include solver type (interFoam), simulation endtime, data saving and writing intervals and the maximum allowable Courant number for simulation stability control. Also in controlDict, the user can call the libraries used in the simulation such as the wave generation library In addition, other post post processing and, output controls and data logging at certain locations or surfaces can be achieved. In this example we used the interfaceHeight function to monitor the water free surface elevation at certain location in the NWT.
Other simulation control files are placed in the system folder such as fvSchemes and fvSoluiton, these two files can control the numerical schemes such as the spatio-temporal numerical differentiation in the interFoam solver or the parameters of the velocity-pressure coupling algorithm.
To start the interFoam solver, run interFoam command in the blueCFD terminal. The user will notice new folders are being created in the root folder while the simulation is running. These have names corresponding to the time stamps being written. A postProcessing folder is also generated which includes the interfaceHeight output containing the wave elevation at the wave probe point.
After the solver finishes, the user can view the results in ParView by typing paraFoam in the blueCFD terminal. Figure 6 shows the pressure contour for the water free surface at isosurface α = 0.5.
Figure 7 shows the free surface elevation at the virtual wave probe point (The output of the interfaceHeight function defined in the controlDict).
The user can automate the case running process by running the Allrun script in the blueCFD terminal as shown in code 8. The Allrun script first makes a copied directory for the initial condition 0 folder, then runs (blockMesh, setFields,interFoam) in order. To run the Allrun script, simply type ./Allrun in the blueCFD terminal. To delete all results and data logging of the simulation in an efficient and easy way, the user can run the Allclean script shown in code 9.
Damian, S. M. (2012). Description and utilization of interfoam multiphase solver. International Center for Computational Methods in Engineering, pages 1–64.
Greenshields, C. (2018). Openfoam–the openfoam foundation–user guide.
Holzmann, T. (2016). Mathematics, numerics, derivations and openfoam®. Loeben, Germany: Holzmann CFD.